Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Frogs for Snakes" (1998)

I've hit the independent film streak and boy oh boy did this scream independent. Not to say that was a bad thing, it's not but it was certainly different.

The basic story is Eve, an actress by day and collector by night, decides she wants more for her life and wants to give up both acting and collecting and move away with her young son. Before she can do that, she must help Al (her ex-husband) locate money that has been stollen from him.

That's the basics of it. Going even deeper there is a subplot involving Al's upcoming production of "American Buffalo" and how everyone is going completely crazy trying to be a part of it. This film is huge with acting down to the point where someone would be speaking for actual dialog but then break out into a monolog. This really caused me to question quite a few times as to if it was the character speaking OR the character acting as another character, saying a particular speech from a play.

Good grief. Too much thinking.

Don't get me wrong though, Hershey's performance was so spot on that even when she broke out into a monolog you cared for what she had to say and you felt for her. I was routing for her the entire time and moved by some of her speeches.

It's certainly a dialog driven film.

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