Thursday, January 28, 2016

"The Portrait of a Lady" (1996)

I had seen this movie twice before and every time it was hard for me to pay attention. For my third viewing I went in with an open mind and by with a few seconds of the opening credits fully realized how much I actually never understood the film. Was it because I was too young to fully appreciate it? Was it maybe perhaps I was distracted by my surroundings every time I had attempted to watch?

Either way, finally with this viewing I was able to appreciate this film for much more than how it looked (and trust me the costume porn is phenomenal!). I finally realized just how tragic these characters and the story are.

A young woman (played by Nicole Kidman) comes into a fortune from her uncle. At the same time she befriends a woman (Barbara Hershey) who introduces her to an artist (John Malkovich). Together Hershey and Malkovich's characters come up with a plan to play Kidman out of of her fortune. The rest is their twisted plan unfolding and Kidman falling more and more into becoming a woman whom she would have never seen herself becoming and is everything she could never stand.

I did find the pace slow, but I actually found the characters a lot more intriguing and was able to understand their motivations a lot more this time around. It really does prove that as you get older and learn about the world your view on films change drastically. Before where I had a strong dislike for Hershey's character, I now found a sadness and wanting for her to come out on top. I believe she did what she did with good intentions but the execution was poorly done and in the end she and Kidman's characters paid.

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