Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Countdown To Cora's Return

"Once Upon A Time" has come to it's winter finale only a few days ago, but with it we were given a little preview of their upcoming "B" side of the season. In the preview we got our first glimpses at the show's 100th Episode which features many returning stars. Even though I am excited about all of them; the one I am most excited about is Barbara Hershey!

I have been a fan of Barbara for years! Ok, so it was really since 2003 when I first saw "Beaches" and just fell in love with Hillary. Over the years I had seen many of her films but never had I attempted to watch them in order. That is until I decided to use her return to "Once Upon A Time" as a way of celebrating her as an actress. In order to do so I have set a goal! From now until March 6th I am on a mission to watch all her films from earliest to current.

I have already started and it is amazing to look back at her humble beginnings and choices of roles and to slowly travel through her timeline and see her grow as an actress. I plan to write about this journey and maybe take you along with me!

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