Thursday, December 10, 2015

"With Six You Get Eggroll" (1968)

If I'm to start anywhere it would have to be at the very beginning.

Ok, Barbara Hershey had done many television appearances before her first theatrical appearance, but when it comes to her first appearance in the world of cinema it was in this very family romantic comedy "With Six You Get Eggroll".

The film's plot is very similar to "Cheaper By the Dozen" or "Your's, Mine and Our's", which actually came out four months before Eggroll. Woman is widowed and left with children. Meets man who is also widowed and has a child. Both fall in love with one another and all hell breaks loose.

It's a very cute film and Hershey plays the only daughter to our lead gentleman, Brian Keith. Talk about baby faced and innocent in every sense of the word. I really enjoyed seeing her play the daughter who is very protective of her father. One of my favorite scenes and one that I've continually gone to show people is her big scene with Doris Day and how she gets to become the "woman of the house" in order for Day to prove a point.

As far as premiere roles go, it's great seeing her be able to hold her own against Doris Day and have it be a very family friendly film. As you'll come to see, a lot of her other early films will involve the family unit but not be so friendly or innocent as this was.

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