Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"The Natural" (1984)

It seems like nothing is as inspiring as a really good sports film. It's very American to have someone come from nothing with lots of unlocked talent, be misunderstood by everyone, and then prove them all wrong and rise above them. Hell, that seems like the history of America in it's own nutshell.

In this story though, the star is Roy Hobbs, played by Robert Redford (who is certainly one of my favorite actors of all time.) He comes from a small farming town and is groomed to become a very good baseball player. Very stereotypical for anyone living in middle america in the 50's in Hollywood cinema.

His hopes and dreams are put on hold though when he has the misfortune of falling victim to Harriet Bird (Hershey's character), who seems to have a huge grudge against sporty types and shows it with a pistol. After taking 16 years to build back his strength it is time for his chance once again, and this is where the story really begins.

This film is more than a "sports film" though, it's about a person's moral sense and defying the odds. Hobbs is in his early thirties and going into a career that most people are usually retiring from at his age. He is benched and told countless times that he won't be able to do it. He is blackmailed and swindled but still manages to keep his own moral code together. It's something we could all learn from.

It also doesn't hurt that your main character is being played by a man who oozes the golden picture of the perfect American Golden Boy, well, man. Robert Redford has done countless roles where he is the one who holds up the perfect non-corruptible moral code that many should strive to. To do right and keep a clear conscience.

Yes, he is my actor crush and I will admit that from the top of a mountain!

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