Saturday, December 19, 2015

"The Last Temptation of Christ" (1988)

There are many films about the actual crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but not many about how the man lived. This film is based on a book by the same name.

It begins in the middle of his life, when he worked as a carpenter. It explores him coming into his own as he discovers his destiny from God, travels around preaching, and even his death. You see Jesus not just as the man you learn about in your Sunday school classes, but as a person with his good share of flaws.

Yes, he was a man like everyone else with thoughts and feelings that would cross anyone in the same situation as him. It doesn't belittle the belief in him though, instead I believe it makes him appear stronger as a character.

It has taken me two times watching this to appreciate it a lot more because there is a lot to take in. The entire last 40 minutes is basically one big "what if" moment that I got the first time, but really enjoyed a lot more upon watching it again.

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