Tuesday, December 22, 2015

"Tune in Tomorrow" (1990)

How can a movie be completely cheesy but still enjoyable? You have one hell of a cast (except Keanu Reeves, I can never stand him), some really funny moments, and know that you shouldn't be taking yourself too seriously but instead run with it and have fun!

"Tune in Tomorrow" is about a wannabe radio writer (Reeves) who falls head over heels in love with his Aunt Julie. Ok, so apparently she's his Uncle's wives sister through marriage... but still, an aunt of some sorts. Meanwhile, the radio station he's been working at has hired a new writer to boost their ratings. The new writer, Pedro Carmichael, discovers the secret affair and begins to use it in his recent soap.

The soap which starts to take on a life of it's own and adds to the campiness of the entire film. The film starts out straight forward enough but as the plot to Carmichael's soap becomes more and more outlandish so does the plot of out actual main characters.

Like I said, it gets really cheesy at some points and the dialog becomes very laughable, but it really feels like everyone makes the most of it. But, I really can't stand Keanu who just feels so out of place from everyone else. Even Hershey is able to let her hair down and seems like she is able to just be funny. Keanu constantly feels like he's trying to play catch up to everyone.

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