Friday, December 11, 2015

"The Stunt Man" (1980)

A Vietnam War vet is on the run from the police, ends up joining a film crew as their stunt man and falls in love with their lead actress. It sounds pretty crazy, right? Well guess what, it certainly was!

The entire film was a giant ride where I couldn't tell what was meant to be and what was suppose to be a "stunt" for the film being filmed in the film. It's all very filmception, isn't it? Which can be said about how the main character felt the entire time! Not to mention the last 20 minutes of the film I was having one huge anxiety attack, and if you go watch I could probably guarantee one for you too!

The whole movie is very over the top from both the actors and the actual story.

As someone whose gone to school for film production and visited sets that involve stunts occurring I can certainly tell you that this is not how a set is run. I mean, what costume and make-up designer in their right mind would allow their talent to freely go over to the edge of a rock and throw herself into the water just to make sure the make-up holds? Also, I wish any turn over time for a scene change was as short as these are!

It's these moments though that had me rolling over with laughter. I wish I had known going in that this was a comedy because I did often question myself as to if I was allowed to laugh at something. Yes, this was a first time view of the film for me and I'm glad I finally watched it.

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