Thursday, December 10, 2015

"Flood" (1976)

It seemed like the 70's was the decade of disaster films. "Earthquake" and "The Towering Inferno" both came out in '74. "The Poseidon Adventure" set sail in '72. So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone ended up attempting ride on those successes with "Flood".

"Flood" is certainly one of your worse case scenario films that has every trope there is to a disaster film. One man discovers that something bad is going to happen to the town and tries to warn the mayor. The Mayor doesn't want to believe it until it's to late. All hell breaks loose as the disaster takes place, and we are given a bunch of other characters to care about as everyone tries to survive.

Given that it was 1976, these tropes wouldn't come to be over done for another couple of decades. Watching this film in 2015 though, I couldn't help but feel like I was watching Dante's Peak with a dam instead of a volcano.

All this said, it was enjoyable! I ended up finding myself cheering on my computer screen for everything to work out.

People should check it out especially if they enjoy the disaster films of today. Don't forget these early films are where you get the magic formula from!

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