Ok, I need to get this out!
I LOVE this show. Love it! I love everything it stands for with females in the superhero universe. I love it from the feminist points that it continues to make week after week. I even love how cheesy and 90's "Lois and Clark" the writing can get.
Monday's episode was the winter finale for this and I can't help but feel sad because I want more. It's really hard for me to tune into things that revolve around superheroes. I don't do Marvel's Agent's of Shield. I don't do Arrow or The Flash. Maybe it's because I do like seeing a girl on the front lines kicking some ass.
I really loved Birds of Prey when it was on. I'm madly in love with Agent Carter, and of course this. The thing I love most about this show? The bonds between all the women. The sisterly bond between Alex and Kara. The workplace bond between Kara and Cat. My two favorite episodes have been "Livewire" and Monday's "Hostile Takeover" and a key part of both of them have been relationships between the female characters.
"Livewire" saw the beginnings of a deeper friendship between Cat and Kara while also building a strong bond between Alex and her mother.
"Hostile Takeover" continued to build that workplace friendship leading up to Cat finally telling Kara that she knew that she was Supergirl. It was a really beautiful moment between them and I really can't wait to see how it will now progress. I really hope it doesn't change their dynamic too much because I really love that Cat still keeps her as a secret bff.
Another shinning moment in the episode was a growing back story on Kara and her family. We had been previously introduced to Astra, Kara's aunt, but we finally got to see what their relationship actually was. They were extremely close and Alura Zor-El used that bond to trick her Astra into getting captured. An event that one can suspect caused Astra's massive falling into darkness.
From last week's episode we already knew that Kara had some pent up aggression over having been sent away from her family to begin with. This week's episode took us to the next stage. Astra telling Kara what her mother had done was the breaking point and it resulted in one tear shedding scene from me. In just one scene you could read the years and years of anger over having been shipped off in Melissa Benoist's performance. It pained me to watch, but at the same time I completely understand where she's coming from. I have so much pent up feelings towards choices my parents have made and I still have been working through them. There have been so many times when I wish I could just break down and just yell at them all the things they lied to me about and just force them to understand, and in this scene that is what Kara wants more than anything. She wants her mother to understand that she didn't want these choices forced onto her.
Like I said, I really really love this show and it continues to grow on me with every passing episode. Now I'm sad though because the next episode isn't until January which means I am going to have to wait very patiently.
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