Thursday, December 17, 2015

"A World Apart" (1987)

South Africa. The 60's. It was a hard place to grow up for anyone; with the battle for civil rights going on and a battle against Communism. One never knew when they would be whisked away from their families, or if they would even see them again. Then there was everyone else. They would have to go on with their daily lives not knowing if their loved one was ok or dead. It's a horrible picture to imagine, right?

Well, for Molly Roth she must live through it and we take the journey with her in "A World Apart". Molly's parents are leftist and when her father leaves to avoid being captured she is left with her mother and two younger siblings. That is until her mother is taken away for a 90 day holding period to be interrogated.

Molly must go on with her life but nothing is the same. Her eyes slowly become more open as she begins to take in the world around her and really see the darkness that is spreading throughout her homeland. She must learn the hard lessons that people can be very cruel. She loses her friends, and witnesses the violence done to everything going on.

This is very much a coming of age story and also a mother/ daughter bonding film. By the end Molly's mother, Diana, has to come to terms with the fact that her daughter is not a little girl anymore and fully comprehends what she is fighting for even though that life is not fair to her or anyone.

It really is a beautiful film and really resinates with you afterwords. Especially with everything that has happened here in the United States the past year. It really seems as though the battle for equal rights may never end until if we allow ourselves to open our eyes. The amazing thing about this film is that the main perspective is seen through the eyes of a child. Children are full of innocence and they have completely different look outs when it comes to things. Maybe what people need to do is adjust their outlook on things.

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